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Members of the North American Babydoll Southdown Sheep Association and Registry subscribe to the following Code of Ethics. They agree to follow the guidelines listed herein candidly and forthrightly:

  1. To practice and support the goals, philosophy, and procedures as set forth by the North American BABYDOLL Southdown Sheep Association and Registry.

  2. To keep accurate records individually and turn in proper papers so that the North American BABYDOLL Southdown Sheep Association and Registry is accurate overall.

  3. To refrain from creating disharmony in the Association by attacking the good will of other members or the organization; the flaming of a member or officer on the web or in public constitutes creating disharmony.

  4. To refrain from the introduction of other breeds into BABYDOLL Southdown sheep to be presented for certification and registration.

  5. To provide accurate and appropriate registration documents to purchasers of one's breeding stock.

  6. To utilize safe animal husbandry practices to insure the health and well being of one’s North American BABYDOLL Southdown sheep flock.

  7. To be candid in relation to the genetics of one’s flock of sheep; to be forthright in dealing with the public and potential purchasers of one's stock.

  8. To conduct oneself with stateliness and integrity at any breed organization function in such a manner as to enhance the image of the North American BABYDOLL Southdown sheep over oneself; to refrain from misrepresenting the organization; to respect the Officers of the Association.

  9. To be knowledgeable about the North American BABYDOLL Southdown Breed Standard and thoroughly familiar with the various faults one may encounter in a North American BABYDOLL Southdown sheep breeding program in order to preserve and protect the authenticity of the gene pool of the North American BABYDOLL Southdown breed of sheep.

  10. To honor John Ellman by breeders’ integrity in dealings and by efforts to maintain a good breed standard.
Updated as of 09/01/2015